Mull Scotland whale watching

Nepal after man eating tigers. 2011 - more below with Gordon Buchanan and Saritha.

Africa in the 70's!!

Africa 80s

Oxford 80s

Filming with Gordon Buchana in India for ManEater ManHunt.

Half way up Everest '96. (in a helicopter!!)

Nepal hunting man eating tigers with Saritha - all my clothes lost in transit!!!

Crossing the river on the way to Tiger Tops Chitwan Nepal

Mike and Saritha Gordon Buchanan in the jeep.

Gordon Buchanan, Saritha and Mike - Tracking the Man Eaters in Nepal

Vladivostock Russia chasing Russian Tigers/Amba

Vladivostock Film Festival in Russia

Deserts of NW India Gujarat tracking wolves

India after man eating leopards with Gordon Buchanan

Gordon and Mike with Vidya leopard reseacher.

Mike with Vidya

Mike with cameraman Mike Cuthbert India

Filming Echo an Elephant to remember in Amboseli Kenya with Cytnhia and Martyn - camera ike Cuthbert and sound Dave Eden.

On the beech in Sumatra filing Good Morning Kalimantan with Nick, Evie and Graham.

Mull Scotland filming Gordon Buchana and whales

Mike with Robbie his son.

Namibia stone throwing waiting for the elephants to turn up.

Austria riding with Ellie his daughter and her friend.

Namibia with two Pauls.


Austria riding in the snow.

Mull Scotland with Gordon Buchanan filming whales

Not the Caribbean but off the West Coast of Scotland!


Central India

Namibia with Robbie (my son) and Ellie (my duaghter)

Indian Hunting Man Eating Leopards.

Land of the Tiger 90s
Flying filming Igazu falls Argentina - loved it.
